Sunday, May 15, 2011

The End (I Think)...

Preface: It isn't even 9 pm here in the small town of Doolin, Ireland but I am already bushwhacked beyond belief and, as this trip is coming to a close, the whole keeping kids posted on events via blog is getting old. So, this will be a very concise/informative/unfunny post.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


As this trip comes to an end I have a quick note that I just realized. It is a small note of minimal importance but oh well. At least I can't say I learned not.

I've always thought that I needed adderall to help me focus. I admittedly am distracted easily and my mind is out there so it's hard for me to stay focused. However, I just had an "ah hah!" moment and realized that I do not need adderall to help me focus; I need something worth focusing on to help me focus.

I get bored easily. I get bored when I'm doing fun stuff, I get bored walking, I get bored with being in Rome, I get bored reading, I get bored eating, I get bored watching TV, I get bored with girls (discovered through talking with a friend that this explains a lot of my tendencies with girls), and I get bored with almost everything. There are three things that NEVER bore me: music, sports (football/basketball), and family.

What now? What is something interesting for me to focus on? Is there something out there that carries enough interestingness by itself to harness my focus?

No clue. Life is full of boring junk that we are all obliged to tend to. So, I guess all I can do is keep my head down and keep trucking.

Cinco De Mayo is so close I can almost taste the lack of Mexican Food I'll be downing.

French Navy & My Crazy Night On Ex

It's the next to last Tuesday in Rome--while I fly out Saturday for Scotland we do come back to Rome the 17th and fly out the 18th. I'm starving (side note).

I have a test in a few hours that I haven't studied for. I like my turkey cold and, honestly, my improv skills are off the charts, so I figure I should rely on my strength--you wouldn't suggest to a Helen Kelleresque kid to take a basic senses test.

I watched a lot of the NBC show Community on Youtube last night and it really made me okay with moving on because of it--most everyone here isn't excited for the next step, but it's a part of life and my next part of life takes me back to my friends and family so I'm okay with that (the show made me ready to get back to the homies) (not to say I have friends here that I wont be missing dearly because I do/will).

The Mavs won last night and that is huge.

Here is a video everyone should watch. It's a 3 scene video with the first scene being in Paris, the second in Barcelona, and the third in Rome--the three main cities I have visited here. So, if you wanna see what I saw push play. Also, the song as a whole is a nice feel for how it is here #sodopeness.

And now a few quick pics...

Real Madrid AD
Lip Lord

Monday, May 2, 2011

Last Week

Well it's my last week and I haven't posted in just over a month so I'll catch ya'll up real fast.

  • Went to Barcelona. It's awesome. I wanna go back and visit. 
  • Osama Bin Laden was supposedly killed yesterday, but due to the fact that they shoved his body out to see immediately and I don't trust America or any government I think he is still alive and I dont care if he is or is not. He's one man. We all need to focus on changing our own lives and with blaming others for our problems. Focus on what you can control. We definitely don't do that.
  • I have a new love for boiled eggs. They're cheap and all I eat.
  • My sleep schedule is normal again. 
  • I don't stress over finals. 
  • I don't stress over finals at a high school level university (no offense, mad love)
  • I got friends on the east coast I'm going to visit this August.
  • They're coming to a football game in the fall.
  • Getting anxious about Rosa's.
  • Getting anxious about rage week 2011 with the dudes.
  • I now have a mustache and no beard in honor of the month of May (I may keep it through my sister's wedding).
  • I realy wish I could be watching/playing basketball.
  • The Grizzles are my shizzles.
  • The Mavs beat the Lakers in 6 (Kobe and Dirk cancel each other out and we got the magic).
  • The Cowboys shocked me on draft day.
  • I went to Mass at the Vatican for Easter (it was brutal).
  • I've dropped two belt notches since I got here.
So, school is out this Saturday but I wont be back until the 18th of May. Therefore I'm going to Glasgow, Scotland and Dublin, Ireland. Looking forward to it. Should be a decent adventure. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My 13 Day Spring Break Recap: Paris, Greece, Gyros.

This post will cover 13 days of spring break. That is right. My spring break was 13 days long.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

From Greece with love.

It's spring break here and I have minimal interent access, so keeping up with my blog isn't the easiest thing to do. I'll post some pictures of Greece and Paris when I get back to Rome on Sunday. Till then...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"Stay Golden Pony Boy"- Emilio Estevez

I got a new playlist constructed that is primarily comprised of Kid Cudi, Childish Gambino, and "The 50 Most Relaxing Classical Songs" album #dope, and the weather is marvelous outside so, as you can suspect, it's a wonderful time to focus and board the thoughts, opinions, & creativity ferry.